Sunday, January 15, 2017

Insights on facilitating Strategies training

Use the myLexia district demo site.  Unfortunately the demo data is not complete in all areas.

Connect users with Core5 resources as well as Strategy resources.

Talk about the how the auto placement works.

I would say that the Strategies Auto Placement starts with short vowels.  If students are successful, it moves to short vowels sounds in nonsense words, which can throw students, even good readers.  Students should be prepped for the placement by telling them it is going to start really low, but just keep answering all the questions you can correctly because the system is trying to determine where to get you started.  If you don't take it seriously, you will place at the very beginning and be expected to completed lots of activities that may be well below where you are capable of working.  I would also warn them about the nonsense words.  If they know their short vowel sounds, this should not be a problem for them, but a warning if fair.

Suzy added.  I think a key to getting buy-in is to spend time on motivational techniques.  They really, really need this. These kids have already experienced tons of failure and know it’s low level stuff they should know. Tough dynamic! 

Below is information related to the development of a new adolescent reading program

If a current Strategies customer asks about replacement of Strategies, this is the official language from our marketing department to use:

"At Lexia, we are always working to improve our instruction, assessment, and service offerings and reach additional learner populations with targeted literacy solutions. We are currently developing an instructional product for the secondary market but have not announced a release date. Upon release of this new product, we will gradually phase out Strategies. We will share more details as they become available."

If you receive questions from customers who have not purchased Strategies, the statement is abbreviated to:

"At Lexia, we are always working to improve our instruction, assessment, and service offerings and reach additional learner populations with targeted literacy solutions. We are currently developing an instructional product for the secondary market but have not announced a release date. We will share more details as they become available."

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